About us

Structure & Governance

UEMO’s governance ensures effective leadership and representation for general practitioners across Europe. Led by the Executive Committee and guided by our statutes, we work with national associations to improve healthcare systems and working conditions. Explore our leadership and governance framework below.

The Presidency and Secretariat function of the UEMO rotates from member organisation to member organisation on a four-yearly basis. Starting in Belgium, the host organisation for UEMO moved to The Netherlands, France, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Sweden.

On 1st January 2023 the Portuguese Delegation assumed the Presidency and Secretariat function for the period 2023-2026.

The Presidency of UEMO consists of the President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer from the host country. In addition, four Vice-Presidents are attached to the Presidency.

The order of rotation of the Presidency and Secretariat is decided by the General Assembly.

The four Vice-Presidents are also elected for a four-year term of office and are not re-eligible.

The President, Secretary-General and Treasurer are responsible for implementing the decisions of the UEMO General Assembly, preparing meetings of the General Assembly, conducting the daily work of UEMO, and maintaining contacts between UEMO and the relevant European authorities, the Standing Committee of European Doctors and other international organisations.

The Vice-Presidents are responsible for advising and assisting the Presidency in planning and analysing UEMO work and policy and, at the request of the President, representing UEMO at international meetings and on other occasions. Except by special dispensation, all political officers of UEMO must be general practitioners active in medical practice.

The UEMO is directed by a Board composed of at least three members, which has all management and administrative powers. The Board manages the assets of the association and represents it in all judicial and other acts, through the intermediary of its President.

The Board has the power of preparing administrative or political decisions for the General Assembly, of implementing decisions taken by the General Assembly and of adopting decisions except those reserved to the General Assembly.

Tiago Villanueva
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Patrick Ouvrard
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Vesna Pekarović Džakulin
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Branka Lazić
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The official organs of the UEMO are the General Assembly, the Board and two internal auditors.

The General Assembly shall consist of up to six delegates from each of the member organisations. Each delegation shall have the right to one vote (art.9, Statute).

The General Assembly is empowered to make all relevant political and organisational decisions concerning the UEMO in accordance with the Statutes (art.10, Statute).

The annual budget will be adopted by the autumn General Assembly each year. The basic contribution shall be determined on a yearly basis when the overall budget is fixed by the General Assembly.

The General Assembly shall elect from amongst its national delegations two auditors.

The UEMO shall normally hold a General Assembly twice a year, in spring and autumn. The General Assembly shall be called and chaired by the President.

An extraordinary General Assembly must be called if requested by at least one fifth of the delegations

Presidency & Secretariat

The Presidency and Secretariat function of the UEMO rotates from member organisation to member organisation on a four-yearly basis. Starting in Belgium, the host organisation for UEMO moved to The Netherlands, France, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Sweden.

On 1st January 2023 the Portuguese Delegation assumed the Presidency and Secretariat function for the period 2023-2026.

The Presidency of UEMO consists of the President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer from the host country. In addition, four Vice-Presidents are attached to the Presidency.

The order of rotation of the Presidency and Secretariat is decided by the General Assembly.

The four Vice-Presidents are also elected for a four-year term of office and are not re-eligible.

The President, Secretary-General and Treasurer are responsible for implementing the decisions of the UEMO General Assembly, preparing meetings of the General Assembly, conducting the daily work of UEMO, and maintaining contacts between UEMO and the relevant European authorities, the Standing Committee of European Doctors and other international organisations.

The Vice-Presidents are responsible for advising and assisting the Presidency in planning and analysing UEMO work and policy and, at the request of the President, representing UEMO at international meetings and on other occasions. Except by special dispensation, all political officers of UEMO must be general practitioners active in medical practice.


The UEMO is directed by a Board composed of at least three members, which has all management and administrative powers. The Board manages the assets of the association and represents it in all judicial and other acts, through the intermediary of its President.

The Board has the power of preparing administrative or political decisions for the General Assembly, of implementing decisions taken by the General Assembly and of adopting decisions except those reserved to the General Assembly.

Tiago Villanueva
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Patrick Ouvrard
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Vesna Pekarović Džakulin
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Branka Lazić
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General assembly

The official organs of the UEMO are the General Assembly, the Board and two internal auditors.

The General Assembly shall consist of up to six delegates from each of the member organisations. Each delegation shall have the right to one vote (art.9, Statute).

The General Assembly is empowered to make all relevant political and organisational decisions concerning the UEMO in accordance with the Statutes (art.10, Statute).

The annual budget will be adopted by the autumn General Assembly each year. The basic contribution shall be determined on a yearly basis when the overall budget is fixed by the General Assembly.

The General Assembly shall elect from amongst its national delegations two auditors.

The UEMO shall normally hold a General Assembly twice a year, in spring and autumn. The General Assembly shall be called and chaired by the President.

An extraordinary General Assembly must be called if requested by at least one fifth of the delegations


The UEMO Statutes here below were updated according to the deed of incorporation signed before the Notary Mr. Pierre Nicaise in Brussels on 22 November 2023.

The Statutes is available in English and French languages below.

Statutes in English Statutes in French
Rules of Procedure

The UEMO Rules of Procedure can be accessed at this link.

Rules of Procedure
Code of Conduct

The UEMO Code of Conduct has been adopted by the General Assembly London 27 May 2017.

Code of Conduct
Financial Activity

Financial sources of UEMO’s budget

2018 2019 2020 2022 2022 Annual Financial Statement 2023 Annual Financial Statement