An organisation representing general practitioners / family physicians may become a member association of the UEMO if it is the most representative national, non-governmental, independent, organisation representing general practitioners/ family physicians in each Europe Except by special resolution, official delegates of the member organisations must be general practitioners/ family physicians and active in medical practice.Each member organisation must ensure that its national delegation is composed in such a way that it is representative of the general practitioners/ family physicians of the country.
An organisation representing general practitioners /family physicians which is not eligible to become a member association or an autonomous European or international governmental national medical organisation may seek observer status.
If a national organisation of general practitioners /family physicians in Europe so requests, the General Assembly may grant to it an observer status, subject to the same general conditions set forth previously, even if it is otherwise qualified for full membership. This status will be granted for a limited duration that will be determined in the rules of procedure.
Representatives of observer organisations at meetings of the UEMO will have the right to speak, but not to vote. Observer organisations will share in the expenses of the UEMO as determined the rules of procedure.
Admission (Previous 4.4 Application for admission to membership or observership in the UEMO shall be made to the Board which will present a recommendation to the General Assembly for its decision. No reason needs to be given for the refusal of a request for admission.
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