SMART Project
General objective: measure the use of ICT and e-Health applications by primary care physicians in the European Union, plus Norway, Iceland, Croatia and Turkey.
UEMO is engaged in a number of projects and welcomes the participation in research projects Consortium with other NGOs.
General objective: measure the use of ICT and e-Health applications by primary care physicians in the European Union, plus Norway, Iceland, Croatia and Turkey.
ENS4Care (Evidence Based Guidelines for Nurses and Social Care Workers for the deployment of eHealth services): Innovative, high quality, safe and cost-effective national healthcare systems are dependent upon policy-makers and stakeholders developing and implementing high-quality eHealth services. The EU project “ENS4Care” will share good nursing and social work practices in eHealth services (telehealth and telecare) and – through the evaluation and consensus building – will create a set of guidelines focusing on: healthy lifestyle and prevention (WP2), early intervention and clinical practice in integrated care (WP3), skills development for advanced roles (WP4) and nurse ePrescribing (WP5).
TELL ME (Transparent communication in Epidemics: Learning Lessons from experience, delivering effective Messages, providing Evidence) was a 36 month Collaborative Project, which aims to provide evidence and to develop models for improved risk communication during infectious disease crises. TELL ME combines public health, social sciences, behavioral sciences, political sciences, law, ethics, communication and media, in order to develop original communication strategies regarding complicated messages and advice based on uncertainties, also addressing vaccine‐resistant groups.