
Member Associations

Explore the interactive map below to learn more about each national section and its member association. Click on a country to find out more about their representatives, initiatives, and contributions to UEMO’s mission.

Full list of Member Associations
Austria Austrian Medical Chamber Weihburggasse10-12, A-1010 Wien, Autriche more
Belgium The Belgian Association of Medical Unions Chaussée de la Hulpe 150, 1170 Bruxelles, Belgique more
Croatia The Croatian Medical Chamber Ulica Grge Tuskana 37, 10000 Zagreb - Croatie more
Czech Republic Association of General Practitioners of the Czech Republic Sídlem U hranic 3221/16, Strašnice, 100 00 Praha, République tchèque more
Finland Finnish Medical Association, Mäkelänkatu 2, PL 49, 00501 Helsinki, Finlande more
France College of General Medicine 6 Place Tristan Bernard, 75017 Paris, France more
Germany Dutch association of General Practitioners Landelijke Huisartsen Vereniging, Mercatorlaan 1200, 3528BL Utrecht more
Hungary Hungarian UEMO Delegation more
Ireland Irish Medical Organisation 10 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2, D02Y322, Irlande more
Italy Federazione nazionale degli Ordini dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri Via Ferdinando di Savoia, 1- 00196 Roma, Italie more
Lithuania Lithuania more
Luxembourg Association of Physicians and Dentists of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Rue de Vianden, 29 L-2680 LUXEMBOURG GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG more
Malta Medical Association of Malta the Professional Centre, Sliema Road, Gzira, Malte more
Netherlands Netherlands more
Norway The General Medicine Association Akersgata 2, 0157 Oslo, Norvège more
Portugal Ordem dos Medicos Av. Amirante Gago Coutinho 151, 1749-084 Lisboa, Portugal more
Romania Romanian College of Physicians Pictor Alexandru Romano 14, 023965 Bucarest Roumanie more
Serbia Serbian Medical Chamber Queen Natalia 1-3 - 11 000 Belgrade – Serbie more
Slovakia Association of Private Physicians Vazovova 6838, 81107 Bratislava, Slovaquie more
Slovenia Medical Chamber of Slovenia Dunasjska cesta 162, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovènie more
Spain Le Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Médicos Plaza de las Cortes 11, 28014 Madrid, Espagne more
Sweden Swedish Union of General Practitioners Box 5610, 114 86 Stockholm, Suède more
Switzerland Federation of Swiss Doctors 3000 Bern 16, Suisse more
United Kingdom British Medical Association Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP, Royaume- Uni more
Turkey Federation of Family Physicians association Atatürk Bulvari 143, 3 Kizilay Ankara, Turquie more