UEMO attends the Expert Conference on Vaccination organized by the EU Czech Presidency
UEMO’s Treasurer, Dr Mădălina Vesa is attending the Expert Conference on Vaccination organized by the EU Czech Presidency, taking place on November 21 and 22, in Prague.
Building on the Council Recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases from 2018 and important lessons learned during last years of COVID-19 pandemic, the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU intends to address these challenges.
Addressing these challenges requires a multipronged approach. The Conference will therefore provide a space for discussion to Member States and relevant representatives from the European Commission and EU agencies, WHO, European healthcare professionals‘ and patients‘ organizations, industry and other relevant experts. It is essential to bring the debate on the current challenges to the forefront.
The thematic blocks are as follows:
- Building vaccine acceptance through communication
- The role of primary care in communication
- EU expert forum on tackling vaccine hesitancy
- Future of vaccination: accessibility and development of innovative vaccines
- Vaccination in digital age
The objective is to achieve in-depth exchanges in all blocks and truly address main challenges of vaccination.