Commission launches EU-wide process to address the right to be forgotten

At the occasion of the European Week Against Cancer, the European Commission has published today a study on the access to financial products for persons with a history of cancer, the so called ‘right to be forgotten’, in the EU and set out the next steps for action under Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. The study highlights broad support for EU level policy to ensure fair access to products such as life insurances, and loans or credits. This includes actions to raise awareness, enhance the exchange of knowledge, experiences and practices as well as regular updates on scientific evidence. At the same time, the impact of EU action must also take into account the different regulatory and self-regulatory approaches in place across the EU. Moving forward, the Commission will launch more extensive work to gather additional evidence and insights and encourage dialogue between national authorities, patients and the financial sector in view of establishing the first ever EU Code of Conduct by early 2024.