European Commission announces investment on cancer screening

As part of the EU Cancer Screening Scheme to be put forward under Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, the European Commission presented, on September 20,  a new approach to support Member States increasing the uptake of cancer screening. Focusing on detection of cancers at an early stage, the objective of the proposed recommendation is to increase the number of screenings, covering more target groups and more cancers.

This new EU approach, based on the latest available scientific developments and evidence, will support Member States ensuring that 90% of the EU population who qualify for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings are offered such screening by 2025. The new recommendation also expands population-based organised cancer screening to include lung, prostate and, under certain circumstances, gastric cancers.

To facilitate more targeted and less invasive screening, the recommendation:

Building on the most recent evidence and methods, the recommendation extends organised screening to three additional cancers: